Wednesday, March 24, 2010

recycled crayons & reader guest posts

recycled crayons & reader guest posts: "We often get requests from readers for tutorials of specific projects. But recently we received pictures of a new project we hadn't tried yet. Instead of taking the time to try the project myself, I asked this reader if we could post her tutorial for our other readers. Then we got to thinking, why not make this a regular feature?

Each month we'd like to feature one reader's tutorial. Even if you're not a blogger yourself, we know you're still out there trying new craft projects all the time, just like us. So send them to us! Just a short write up and some accompanying pictures will do. We'll pick one reader each month to publish. And if you are a blogger, include a link to your blog and we'll make sure all our readers check it out!

Our first reader tutorial is by Bonnie Rains--a local friend in Seattle! I've seen these cool recycled crayons before (my preschooler got a heart-shaped one for Valentine's from a classmate--thanks Maddie!), but I'd never made them myself. Bonnie makes it sound even easier than I imagined! So without further ado, here's Bonnie!

Recycled Crayons Tutorial

Who doesn’t have broken crayons at their house? Instead of throwing them away, recycle them into fun new crayons! This is a great project for kids to help with.

First, find all your broken crayon pieces and remove the paper from each. Then break them into smaller pieces (about one third to one quarter of the regular size crayon). Then have your trusty assistant help you sort them by color into your favorite silicon mold (or you can use regular cupcake pans with foil liners). I chose to use a star design because I thought each point on the star would make a nice new pointy crayon.

Place your silicon mold with crayon pieces on a baking sheet and put it in the oven at 200 degrees. Heat your crayons so the wax melts completely. I thought this would take 15-20 minutes, but actually took closer to 30-40 minutes. When the wax is melted remove the pan and let your crayon’s cool. Once they are cool you can easily pop them out and admire all the pretty color combinations you created in your brand new crayons!


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