Thursday, March 25, 2010

Too tired to come up with a title.

Too tired to come up with a title.: "Ohmyword the nesting has reached a feverish pitch and even though I can hardly walk because of the giant bowling ball that feels like its going to drop out of my pelvis at any minute I can't stop until I get it all done.

Yesterday I swung by a local children's consignment store and picked up a changing table pad for a whole $3.00. It isn't perfect but I don't need perfect, I need functional. I made a new cover for it this morning and plan to make another one to match the bassinet fabric. It was easy peasy with the help of this free tutorial. I am completely addicted to that website.
Isn't her little nook in our bedroom cozy? I'm happy with it.
The basket has diapering stuff in it, next to it is a stack of blankets. Next to the pad is a stack of flannel wipes and a pretty jar with more diapering stuff in it-- ointment, diaper fasteners, etc.
As I sat on the floor folding diapers and organizing the basket I looked up to see a pair of little socky feet sticking out of the bassinet. I peeked over the edge and saw this. I'm so glad I had my camera nearby. This was just priceless.
He also obsessed over making the baby shoes fit him. He smartly chose the black mary janes and dubbed them 'dancing shoes'. Oh, Jack. How I adore you.

After getting everything organized I had to try out her coming home outfit in the bed just to imagine what she'll look like when she finally arrives. How delicious are those little knitted pants? I could just sprinkle them with sugar and stuff them in my mouth.

The pants are wool longies, a type of wool diaper cover. When lanolized wool covers are so soft and breathable over cloth diapers. Kate made this set for me. She is incredibly talented with the knitting needles and sells these little woolie gems on Etsy. Even if you don't cloth diaper you need some of thes because they are so dang cute. You know you do.

And finally, because I am not neurotic enough as it is, I had to make some pacifier clips. I could not rest until I made pacifier clips. I took apart a clip that I was given and made a new one reusing the hardware with pink ribbon. I didn't like how flimsy it felt so I made some out of fabric, much better. Kinda fun.

I like this post. It makes me look super productive when I am not at all. I feel like garbage- achey, crampy, heavy, and tired. I can hardly walk. I am so ready for this baby to come.


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