Thursday, March 25, 2010



VERONIQUE Aqua and Brown Damask Dangle Earrings

WELCOME, Emily and her Etsy shop LOCKS OF PIZAZZ, where you will find, as Emily states in her shop title's tag line...."Embellisments with elegance for hair, body and soul!" Some items you can choose from will be "hair flair", ear jewelry, pendants and more.

Emily also has a second shop on Etsy, called ORCHID'S DREAM...carrying beautiful flower jewelry and accessories created using polymer clay. You will be able to visit both of Emily's shops by clicking on her links below the following interview.

Take a moment to read Emily's interview below, where she gives us an insight into her thoughts and creations.

What led you to start creating your art/craft?

I am a mom of twin girls. After the first year of being home, I started getting cravings to express myself once again and be creative through art.

How did you decide what medium you wanted to work with?

I have a background in printmaking, monotypes to be exact. While I love that, I started thinking about a medium that would be a little less messy, and more versatile. Years ago I was asked to demo polymer clay in a workshop for kids. I enjoyed the brief ‘encounter’ I had with it then, so started doing some research. That led me to NJPCG (New Jersey Polymer Clay Guild). I went to my first meeting, and have been hooked ever since.

What aspect of creating your art/craft do you find the most enjoyable?

I would have to say the experimental aspect. Most of the time I sit down with a piece of clay and begin on the journey towards my destination. Yet there are times I get sidetracked. For example, if I am mixing up color, and it suddenly looks like an amazing piece of agate, I stop there. I also really enjoy doing pattern transfers onto clay. I simply can’t resist French damask…most of my items in my new shop are just that. It’s very enjoyable to be in the moment, and working with clay helps me achieve that.

BUMBLE BEE Shabby Chic Bobby Pins
(These charming pins can be found in LOCKS OF PIZAZZ shop...see links below)

If you had to choose a fruit OR a vegetable, to describe your art/craft, what would you choose, and why?

What an interesting question! I would have to say a tomato. Why? Tomatoes have culinary versatility. A tomato can be used a wide variety of ways. Ex. in a sandwich, a rich marinara, the base for a spicy salsa, etc. It’s the same with polymer clay. There are countless examples of different methods and results that polyclay artists use to create some real visual masterpieces.

ORCHID POPPY Button Flower Statement Necklace
(This delightful necklace can be found in Emily's ORCHID'S DREAM shop. See links below)

If you had to choose one other medium in which to display your “creativity”, what would that be, and why?

I think I would like to explore the world of textiles. I love patterns, rich colors…, luxurious fabrics. Oddly enough I don’t sew. Maybe in another life, can’t imagine there’s enough time in this one!

What message, if any, do you want to convey with your art/craft?

Beauty is created by combining juxtaposing elements. (ex. old and new, shabby and chic.) Also, I like thinking outside the box, and doing things differently. Locks of Pizazz was created to address a void that I see in womens accessories; pretty hair jewelry. My pieces are very unique AND affordable. Gotta love that ‘opposing’ combination!

What advice do you have for other artists/crafters?

I think back to high school. The class the kids would sign up for the easy “A” was always art. For those of us who pursue it as our vocation however know differently! It takes courage to do your art or craft and put it on display for all to see. My advice is to be courageous. Believe in yourself. Keep fine tuning your talents. Look at trends for inspiration but don’t get bound by them. Strive to find a niche. Work hard and have fun!

Emily, thanks for a great interview, and for sharing all of your delightful creations with everyone. Being a mom of twin girls, I'm amazed that you have time for so much creativity!

Be sure to visit Emily's links below.


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